Katherine 13th July 2007

I'd like to share with you some of the words that best describe Chris : Knowledgeable - he was the only person I know to be able to hold a conversation about any topic, from philosophy to politics and of course his great love... Tottenham Hotspur Skilful - I remember when Chris first challenged me to a game of squash. I thought to myself 'I'm fit and athletic, I'll win easily'. Two hours later I was crawling off the court having hardly won a point. Chris on the other hand hadn't even broken into a sweat. He could even predict where I was going to hit the ball, before I even knew myself! Messy - I don't think I ever saw the colour of the carpet in Chris's room, as I think he thought it was the ideal place to store his clothes. The item he wanted to wear that particular day would then always be the only one he couldn't find. A friend - we were friends for more than two decades. We experienced nursery school, primary school and secondary school together. We shared a room on holiday and also many walks home after a great night out. These memories I will cherish.